Kamis, 13 Juni 2013

Curhatan Random

-Missed the chance.
But will take it back someday.

-Just because it doesn't happen now,
doesn't mean it will never happen.

-Option: experience or loyalty.
I choose loyalty.

-Ini tantangan sebenarnya.
Mempertahankan pendirian.
Ternyata sangat sulit, tetapi saya bisa :)

-It will come, my moment.
It really will.

-Yang 'mulainya belakangan' belum tentu nantinya gak lebih sukses.

-Wise. Positive. Patient.
Wise. Positive. Patient.
Wise. Positive. Patient.

-Caraku buat sukses gak harus sama dengan caranya orang lain.
Cara orang pada umumnya.
Gak harus kan?

Let it flow.
But if another chance comes, take it.

-Just do what you have to do now, passionately.
Believe it, you'll gain something.

-Semua orang punya kekurangan dan kelebihan dengan kadar yang sama.
Masalahnya cuma mana yang lebih keliatan.

-Nasehatin orang lain emang gampang, ngejalanin sendiri?
Bisa kok :)

-Take a deep breath.

-Bismillah. Bismillah. Bismillah.

-This is the best for now.

-Focus. Focus. Focus.


-Pasti bisa!

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